Saturday, May 15, 2010

1 step forward...2 steps back

seems like i''m always taking one step forward n 2 steps almost every area of my life

but todays a new day n i got my "stepping" shoes on...actually i'm barefoot which is how my feet are dressed 90% of their day...but you get the picture i rode for 20 minutesish on "thebike" n had good for me cereal w/ almond milk n washed a load of dishs n watered the plants on the porch n have spoken to 2 people so far n have not hurt anyone's feelings or said something i wish i could take i'm off to a good start's to-do-list....
*make my bed
*pot the devils backbone n christmas cactus sprigs my sweet friend/sister lynne gave me
*organize n box the "wall" of books against the wall in my bedroom
*empty the box of junk @ the top of the stairs (hate this one the most)
*move the dresser n shelf into the art room
*piddle around in the art room a bit
*put away the laundry in the hall downstairs

i think i'll also start my "52 things i want to organize or accomplish this year" "thing" a a drawer...a box from the garage...a closet...a room...etc that i need to declutter r organize r a week...seems managable....hmm...we'll see

gotta start steppin...